01473 561 231 Andy@andyproctor.co.uk
How much carbon – my website.

How much carbon – my website.

How Many Trees Should I Plant to Offset the Carbon Footprint of My Website’s Downloads? How do I find out my websites carbon footprint?     Watch the video, or even pop over to YouTube and then click subscribe to more content like this to help you with...
Website Remodelling.

Website Remodelling.

When you have great development, loads of content and your own in-house images you can make something that really portrays the reality of the business. I really enjoyed stitching this ambulance company website together to make the final presentation. Made on WordPress...
One Day WordPress

One Day WordPress

  I had the pleasure of meeting 3 young men who were given the chance to make, develop and take away with them the skill of website development and their own WordPress websites yesterday using the YoungVoice way of learning.   They are 3 young men who are...
Graduation week

Graduation week

I graduate this week from the school for social entrepreneurs and it’s all about quality change, doing good and values. Quality Change is the capacity to transform ‘negative’ situations, or circumstances, into something beneficial for one’s self and that of...